Brooklyn Superbas/Robins/Dodgers
The watermark does not appear on the actual card.
Buzz Boyle - 1934 Brooklyn Dodgers
This card is ..
The watermark does not appear on the actual card.
Charlie Gilbert - 1940 Brooklyn Dodgers
This car..
The watermark does not appear on the actual card.
Charlie Perkins - 1934 Brooklyn Dodgers
This car..
The watermark does not appear on the actual card.
Chris Van Cuyk - 1951 Brooklyn Dodgers
This card..
The watermark does not appear on the actual card.
Chuck Ward - 1919 Brooklyn Robins
This card is m..
The watermark does not appear on the actual card.
Clarence Blethen - 1929 Brooklyn Robins
This car..
The watermark does not appear on the actual card.
Cookie Lavagetto - 1940 Brooklyn Dodgers
This ca..
The watermark does not appear on the actual card.
Cy Buker - 1945 Brooklyn Dodgers
This card is ma..
The watermark does not appear on the actual card.
Dick Teed - 1953 Brooklyn Dodgers
This card is m..
The watermark does not appear on the actual card.
Dick Whitman - 1946-49 Brooklyn Dodgers
This car..
The watermark does not appear on the actual card.
Dixie Walker - 1940 Brooklyn Dodgers
This card i..
The watermark does not appear on the actual card.
Don Elston - 1957 Brooklyn Dodgers
This card is ..
The watermark does not appear on the actual card.
Doug McWeeny - 1928 Brooklyn Robins
This card is..
The watermark does not appear on the actual card.
Earl Mossor - 1951 Brooklyn Dodgers
This card is..
The watermark does not appear on the actual card.
Ed Brandt - 1936 Brooklyn Dodgers
This card is m..
The watermark does not appear on the actual card.
Ed Chandler - 1947 Brooklyn Dodgers
This card is..
The watermark does not appear on the actual card.
Ed Head - 1946 Brooklyn Dodgers
All cards listed..
The watermark does not appear on the actual card.
Ed Reulbach - 1913 Brooklyn Superbas
This card i..
The watermark does not appear on the actual card.
Eddie Basinski - 1944 Brooklyn Dodgers
This card..
The watermark does not appear on the actual card.
Eddie Wilson - 1936 Brooklyn Dodgers
All cards l..
Showing 21 to 40 of 133 (7 Pages)